Is Core Work the Solution to Back Pain? (IMPORTANT TO READ)

Is Core Work the Solution to Back Pain?

If you have back pain, doing all the core work in the world isn’t going to fix the problem if your QL (Quadratus Lumborum) muscles have been conditioned, trained and patterned to engage in the absence of the deep core muscle, the TVA (transversus abdominis). Because the QL is overworked, it tilts the pelvis anteriorly, and causes pressure on the discs and low back (hence pain).

Before you get into any core work, you first have to train a new movement pattern. You have to train your TVA HOW to activate (engage).
Pattern building (creating new patterns) is very different than doing core work.
Training the TVA to engage is very different than doing core work.

If you learn how to engage your TVA, then core work will help you strengthen your TVA. The stronger your TVA gets, the less your QLs will be working. This will allow the QLs to lengthen and it will reset the pelvis and fix the anterior tilt. This will eradicate the pain.

Do you Have Low Back Pain? Jacked Up Hips? Here’s Why:

If you are doing core work without the TVA engaging, then your back (i.e. QL muscles) and hip muscles (i.e. psoas muscles) are just going to take over and you’ll feel pain and tightness.

That’s why this program focuses on creating new patterns, which is very different than doing core work. You will train the pelvic floor and TVA to engage.

In this program, we will address:

  • Breathing mechanics and their impact on the relationship between your upper and lower body.
  • Pelvic Floor and TVA engagement
  • Spinal Segmentation
  • Your Work Station

If any of these 4 things are faulty, it can cause back pain and tightness. Make sure you tackle these 4 things first before jumping to the "core work" with the core video workouts in this program. All you have to do is follow the order or operations in this program.

Everything boils down to addressing faulty movement patterns.



