CRP: Release the Psoas: 6 Minutes

Releasing the Psoas: The Constructive Rest Position (CRP) is an easy position you can adopt for 10 minutes to relax your psoas. Let your knees rest together (put your feet wider apart, if it helps you relax). In this position, gravity releases the psoas and you’ll feel instantly more peaceful and comfortable. In this position, use your NASAL breath to massage the psoas muscles. Here’s how: First start nasal breathing, connecting it to your core: inhale and the lungs fill with air. FULLY exhale (so the diaphragm fully ascends and relaxes) and the TVA cinches in. The full exhalation is the key to getting the psoas to relax. Get into a rhythm with this. You can direct your breath to specific body parts, like your psoas (to massage it and help it relax). The key is to let go and move into the experience.
