Week 3 COREographies




Equipment: foam roller, 1 dumbbell (3 or 5 lbs), Swiss ball

3 rounds

T-Spine Rotational Opener Against Wall: 3 controlled reps/side, hold at top 3s
Lamborghinis (foam roller): 4
Seated Hip Flexor Raises: 5 controlled reps/leg. Scale by sitting on block.
L-Sit Prep on Floor: 15s
Pilates Roll-Ups (scale with dumbbell): 5 controlled reps
Hip Flexor Stabilizer: on Swiss Ball: 6 alternating, hold last two for 5s (scale on floor)


Equipment: Yoga Blocks

3 rounds

L-Sit Prep on Floor: 15s
Upper Body Arch Ups: 5 controlled reps and hold the last one 10s
Lower Body Arch Ups: 5 controlled reps and hold the last one 10s
Full Body Arch Ups: 5 controlled reps and hold the last one 10s
Set Point Variation 2: 30s (scale with variation 1)
Plank Shoulder Taps: 10 alternating (scale from knees)
Hip Flexor Triangles: 10/leg. Scale by sitting on block


Equipment: Glide discs, Swiss ball, yoga blocks

3 rounds

L-Sit Prep on Floor: 15s
Blanket Slides (tucks) x 8
Blanket Slides (pikes) x 4 (scale with hands on blocks)
Side Hollow Hold 30s/side
Hip Flexor Holds in L-Sit Prep on Blocks: 20s/leg. (Scale on the floor).
Hip Flexor Stabilizer: on Swiss Ball: 6 alternating, hold last two for 5s (scale on floor)
Supine Ball Squeeze 30s

