Instructions & Intent



This is a 1-month core strengthening program with 3 new follow-along core workout videos per week that are ~20 minutes in duration. I call them "COREographies".

It’s simple to follow and will completely change the way you move, for the better.

Just play the video and do the follow-along core workout with me.

The exercises in the 12 videos follow a progression, so do the workouts in order.

Scaled variations of the exercises are provided. You will notice a lot of repetition of the foundational exercises, and this is for a few reasons:

  1. Mastery of the fundamentals is Mastery.
  2. To allow you to learn how to activate your muscles correctly and build the correct movement patterns.

I have provided copious cuing and instructions for each exercise. I repeat the cuing/instructions for each of the 3 rounds.

I prefer quality reps over "garbage" reps. I don't prescribe a ton of reps for each exercise so that you can focus on slow and controlled movements that actually allow you to connect to your muscles. You are welcome to do more reps!

There are 15 second rest periods between exercises. During the rest, there is a 15s countdown timer and I show you the next exercise you will be doing. If you need more rest, you can hit pause. If you want to hold longer or do more reps, then you can get the party started during the rest period!

You can chose the days of the week that work best for your schedule. Do 3 workouts a week for 4 weeks. You can revisit this program anytime! You can even do a routine as a warm-up for one of your regular training sessions.

It doesn’t matter if you are a newbie or a veteran, you will leave this program with a strong core foundation and a dramatic increase in your overall strength level.

Equipment Required:

  • Two firm 4" yoga blocks
  • long 36" foam roller
  • glide discs (or a towel if on the floor, or paper plates if on a rug).
  • Swiss Ball
  • 1 dumbbell (3 or 5 lbs)



Who is this for?

  • This is a 4-week home program you can do if you are short on time. It only requires ~20 minutes of your time, 3 days a week. Minimal space & equipment are required.
  • If you are feeling lost, unmotivated and ready to quit, then do this program! Just play the video and do the core exercises with me 3x a week. COREographies for Consistency!
  • If you have fallen off the bandwagon with your core training, then do this program!
  • If you are a veteran and you want to improve core strength, then do this program!
  • If you want to get back to basics, then do this program!
  • If you need to move faster and have more structure in your training sessions, then do this program. I put all the "pain in the a$$ exercises nobody wants to do" into 12 convenient 20 minute sessions. So if you tend to drag out your sessions, then do this so you can get it done in 20 minutes.


  • The core routines target your TVA and lats as stabilizers (you will dramatically improve your stability, which is the permission slip for improving strength and mobility!). The TVA is your body’s primary stabilizer: it acts first when you move and it stabilizes your spine (which is why it’s important to strengthen this muscle!). Your lats are the enormous muscles on your back that connect your arms to your vertebral column. They help stabilize your spine and shoulder girdle. If your TVA and lats aren’t working together to properly stabilize you, then you will develop imbalances that cause pain and tightness. These imbalances will prevent your from developing strength and mobility.
  • You will develop your pushing strength (say goodbye to winged scapulae).
  • Your hip flexors will become alien strong (your compression strength will dramatically increase).
  • You will develop your backline strength and improve spinal mobility. Beginners backbending exercises are included, along with thoracic spine rotational openers.
  • By the end of this program, you will be well on your way to achieving your first lifted L-sit!

