20-Minute Follow-Along Routine for Low Back Pain

20-Minute Follow-Along Routine for Low Back Pain

When lower back pain strikes, bedrest is not the solution. On the contrary, you should keep moving by walking regularly.

If any of these low back exercises make your low back pain worse, then stop the exercise.

You'll need a chair and 2 foam yoga blocks.

  1. 90-90 Nasal Breathing
  2. Pelvic Tilts
  3. One-Leg Balances (Pelvic Stability)
  4. Knees-to-Chest
  5. Piriformis Stretch
  6. Lower Back Rotation
  7. Cat/Cow
  8. Sphinx
  9. Child's Pose
  10. Glute Bridge
  11. Dead Bugs Variation
  12. Bird Dog
  13. Side Plank (from the knees)

