
Welcome to the Pelvic Floor Clinic!

We all learn differently. I like to learn with videos and text. I have provided both for you. It can help to watch the video first, and then read the text to solidify the concepts.


Maybe you can relate to some of the different ways pelvic floor issues really start messing with your life:

  1. You leak urine when exercising, coughing or sneezing.
  2. You notice an increase in urgency. You need to get to the bathroom immediately or you may not make it.
  3. You wake up many times in the night to pee.
  4. You avoid sex because it hurts, or you fear leaking or passing gas.
  5. You feel a lot of pressure “down there”
  6. You feel paranoid and anxious that your vagina is going to fall out.
  7. You feel shackled to wearing incontinence pads and worry about odour.


It's high time we stop accepting urinary incontinence as an inevitable consequence of aging.

Just because it's common and affects 2 out of 3 women , it doesn't make it okay.

Leaking urine when you cough, sneeze, laugh, lift something heavy, run or jump is NOT your unavoidable fate.

Let me help you understand why it’s happening and show you how to fix the root cause of the problem.

It’s time to reclaim control and put an end to this inconvenience.

You might think urinary incontinence only affects women who have been pregnant and given birth, or older women. But… I have never been pregnant, and I had urinary incontinence in my mid 30s whenever I jumped rope. I also had back pain and painful intercourse and recurring UTI’s. Why? Because I was disconnected from my core. My breathing mechanics were incorrect, I couldn’t engage my TVA and I had pelvic floor dyfunction.

Men need pelvic floor help too, not just pregnant and postpartum women.

Are you perimenopausal? Then this is also relevant for you! Hormone changes have an impact on the pelvic floor so this is also important for women heading into menopause.

Did you know your back pain and hip tightness is related to your pee leaks?

The reason why you have sciatica, piriformis syndrome, etc… it’s because you need to address your core imbalance, and that includes your breathing mechanics, TVA and pelvic floor.
