Diastasis Recti Protocols

Make sure your doctor has given you clearance to proceed with strengthening your TVA and pelvic floor.
Too much pressure on the core can make your diastasis recti worse. Make sure you are not bearing down or holding your breath!
They key to healing diastasis recti is strengthening the TVA.
Don’t rush ahead. Slowly progress so that you can eventually tackle exercises that are labelled “diastasis unsafe” such as planks, crunches and sit-ups.
Start with mastering deep breathing. Work on breathing exercise #1 to help you get connected to your TVA and pelvic floor. Also work on pelvic floor contraction.
While your abdominal separation is healing postpartum, stay away from exercises that cause the stomach to bulge out. Stay away from planks, pilates roll-ups, and bending backward in an abdominal stretch (until your doctor clears these exercises).
For extra help, consider seeing a physical therapist for a postpartum plan.