Chakra 1 (Root Chakra): Balance Routine: 4 Minutes

The chakras are energy systems. There are 7 basic chakras. These areas correspond to the 7 main nerve ganglia coming from the spinal cord.

The psoas intertwines the bottom three chakras.


Root Chakra (chakra 1):

-located above the anus, base of spine, pelvic floor.

-grounding, primal needs

-power of the divine feminine

Sacral Chakra (chakra 2)

-lower spine, pelvis, sacrum, ovaries, testes

-sex flow, pleasure, womb

-expansion of your individuality

Solar Plexus (chakra 3)

-union of diaphragm and psoas

-gut feelings, courage, personal power, breath

-influences immune, nervous and muscular systems

The psoas connects the upper body to the lower body. It links breath to movement, feelings, energy and healing.

Yoga: the goal is to free prana (energy, the life force). Misuse of the psoas will inhibit this flow of energy.

Try to hold the yoga poses for at least 3 full breaths (Deliberate breath work using the diaphragm and transverse abdominals).


Chakra 1 (Root Chakra): Balance: 4 minute routine

I filmed this routine in 2019 😀

Untapped prana is found at the base of the spine (where the root chakra is). The psoas interconnects the root chakra. The goal of this yoga routine is to help you open this energy system to healing by establishing a sense of grounding. The relaxation of muscles (i.e. psoas) can affect this energy system in a positive way.

  1. Easy Pose
  2. Lotus Pose
  3. Half Sitting Twist
  4. Warrior Pose
  5. Tree Pose
  6. Child's Pose
