SI Joint Pain Relief Exercise Routine: 6 Minutes


Sacroiliac (SI) Joints: these joints link your spine to your pelvis. They only possess a few degrees of movement.

When your sacroiliac joints are not moving normally due to either excessive movement (this can happen with pregnancy) or stiffness, it is referred to as Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction, which can result in sacroiliac pain.

If your core and glutes are weak, this can cause excessive movement at the SI joints, which can lead to sacroiliac joint pain.

The exercises in this video will help you keep your sacroiliac joints (SI joints) strong and supple.

Use nasal diaphragmatic breathing during these exercises to connect your to your core.

I filmed this routine in 2019. I did some split screen comparisons of my abilities in 2021. It's quite inspiring to see just how much my t-spine extension, overhead mobility and hip extension improved in 2 years. Sometimes we don't feel like anything is happening from day to day, but that's not true.

Do the real-time routine with me. It's only 6 minutes.

  1. Squat Holds (don't let your glutes disengage)
  2. Spinal Twists
  3. Bird Dog
  4. SI stretch
  5. Knees to Chest

