The Strength Academy

Corrective Movement/Functional Training Online Course

Overcome Chronic Pain and Imbalances
Increase Strength and Mobility
Become a
Movement Badass
Cultivate a Resilient Mindset

Structure (Connection)

To Minimize Pain And Prevent Injury

Build Strength And Develop Mobility

By Improving Fundamental Movement Patterns

Forge a Powerful Foundation and Mindset

To Be Able To Do & Control Advanced Movement Skills

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Can your body keep up with what you want to do?

What if you could build a STRONG & MOBILE body from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace, and on your own terms?

Who is this NOT For?

I know what it’s like to compare yourself to someone else and feel like there’s no point in even trying.

In 2016, despite working as a fitness model, I held a deeply guarded secret: I struggled with the most basic exercises. Although I had been training for 2 decades, I couldn’t even do a single pull-up! Even walking the stairs had me cringing with excruciating knee-pain.
I felt it was unfair that I had to keep a restrictive and disciplined lifestyle to maintain the “fitness model look”, yet was unable to improve my functional ability. I doubted I’d ever be able to master certain athletic skills…. or even finish a single workout without painkillers.

Structure / Stability / Mobility

What is this pyramid and why should I care?

The person with the widest base and the highest StrongFit pyramid is the person who is going to win. What happens if you lack foundational structure and stability?

Then you will never be able to build your mobility or make progress learning specialty skills. Injury will be inevitable.

What are specialty skills?

Specialty skills include CrossFit, dancing, running, jumping rope, handstands, yoga, splits, and pull-ups. Mobility is also a specialty skill! Note that specialty skills are located at the top of the pyramid.

Why is back pain, joint pain and tightness so prevalent in adults?

It’s because we sit all the time and engage in movement patterns and training programs that create structural deficiencies that lead to muscle imbalances. You cannot build functional strength or mobility on an imbalanced body.

That’s why you see so many adults getting really hurt when they specialize. That’s why they don’t actually end up learning the handstand or the splits or whatever it is they’re trying to learn.

Structure (Connection)

Structure is having the ability to fire muscles required for you to have proper movement patterns so that you can move safely.

Stability (Control)

If you can’t properly stabilize your spine, pelvis and shoulder girdle, guess what happens? You develop imbalances. That’s what happened to me, and it’s why I was crooked and in pain.

Mobility: (Tension through Range of Motion)

Mobility is different than just flexibility. Mobility is how far you can move a joint with muscular control. The greater your structure and stability, the greater will be your mobility.

Every year that passes without correcting these imbalances, your body compensates in all the wrong ways.

If you sit at a desk all day, you’re making your muscle imbalances even worse. If you’re working out and find yourself pushing through pain or stiffness, you’ll only make those issues worse. You are feeding your problems.

Fix your foundational problems instead of compensating for them.

His Corrective Movement / Functional Training Online Course is built on the principle that you can’t change your body until you change your movement patterns. Most people walk around their entire life with incorrect movement patterns, and live with nagging issues like tight hips, stiff shoulders, and back pain. This program will let you connect with your body, improve your movement patterns, and resolve pain like back or knee pain.

The Strength Academy

Is a comprehensive membership program that follows the same model I used to take myself from rock bottom to rockstar––in my forties!

If you’re ready to focus on steady long-term progress, The Strength Academy will empower you with a solid foundation to gradually and independently MASTER the following fundamental skills:

Pain and Injury


…and MORE!

Being a member of my program means you get tons of awesome perks that bring you closer to your goals every week.

I did it, and here’s how you can too:

Enroll in The Strength Academy

to correct compensatory movement patterns, increase structure, stability, strength and mobility, improve your mindset, and become more connected to your own body.

Commit To The Plan

Each new monthly plan will include a fresh batch of theory and/or mindset training, brief exercise video demos with written explanations, daily written workout sequences, and your homework.

Start living a fuller, easier, and more exciting life

as the best, healthiest, strongest version of you!
BONUS 1: Monthly Group Video Meetings

You’ll also get a monthly group video meeting, where Sara will take you through live mindset and exercise training sessions. These meetings are an opportunity to follow up on everyone’s progress, discuss ways to improve, go over what’s next and tackle any challenges together!

BONUS 2: Pelvic Floor Clinic NO MORE LEAKS!

Most of us have weak pelvic floor muscles because we never train them. And if you have been pregnant or have had a vaginal delivery, this can lead to dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles.

If you suffer from urinary incontinence when you sneeze, cough, jump rope or deadlift, please know that hope is not lost. If you suffer from painful intercourse or feel disconnected from your sexual life-force energy, hope is not lost.

What blows my mind is how fast incontinence can be corrected. Some of the women in my strength academy have fixed their incontinence in a week of doing the exercises.

My Strength Academy focuses on learning how to engage and strengthen the pelvic floor & TVA. It’s also the first step to correcting muscle imbalances that contribute to issues ranging from urinary incontinence and diastasis recti, to low back pain and mobility restrictions.

Yes, You can heal yourself. You are your own best healer.

BONUS 3: Premium Workshop Clinics!

Exclusive access to my very popular Core Solutions Program, Pull-Ups Clinic, L-Sit Clinic, Handstand Clinic, Pistol Squat Clinic, Nauli Kriya Program, Splits Program, Back Bending Program, Pincha Play, and more! Note: if you prefer lifetime access, you can buy the Core Solutions, Splits, Nauli Kriya and Backbending Programs separately at


Only $3/day

Stop the Back Pain Cycle and Live Pain-Free!

Cancel any time

Content worth $2200 in BONUSES


To get started: You need glide discs (or a towel), two 4″ Yoga blocks, a Swiss Ball (mine is 65cm and I’m 5’6″), 36″ foam roller, and for the ladies: yoni eggs or something similar (I explain inside the academy).

Eventually, I recommend you consider investing in StrongFit sandbags (I suggest you start with 60lbs, fill it up with 40lbs of sand), and typical things you find in a home gym: ankle weights, bands, kettlebells, dumbbells, pull-up bar.

Here is my equipment list on amazon (the things you see in my home gym).

How long will they take? The first month is a “TVA blitz”: 5 to 6 workouts a week. Then it’s ~4 workouts a week. Schedule 45 min to 60 min for your sessions.

Yes! This is not an “exercise/workout” program. This isn’t about getting a ripped 6-pack, sweating and burning 300 calories. It’s about learning how to get the muscles in your body to harmoniously work together so that you can annihilate pain, move well, get stronger and more mobile, and learn cool party tricks. I don’t expect you to stop doing what you are currently doing for your training and sports. Ideally, I want you to apply what you are learning in my program to all of your other training, sports, and activities.

If you are getting injured when training, or you are not getting stronger, your mobility is restricted, or you know you have muscle deficiencies and imbalances (maybe your hips are shifted, you have low back pain, you have knee pain, you have a hiked up/aching shoulder from upper trap dominance), or you still can’t do 1 pull-up after training for over a decade, then something is horribly amiss.You will learn how to activate and strengthen your primary stabilizer (TVA), you will learn how use the primary stabilizer with the secondary stabilizers to create maximum stability, you will overcome compensating patterns that cause you pain and tightness, you will learn how to triage your mindset, ladies: you will learn vaginal weightlifting so you can eradicate jumping incontinence and strengthen your orgasms, and you will get hella strong! Prepare to learn cool party tricks like pull-ups, push-ups, handstands, pistol squats and more!


I love working with beginners. This is my passion. The strategy is to focus on addressing your weakest links first (you will learn how to activate your transverse abs (TVA) first). This will result in the fastest initial progress. Remember, mastery of the fundamentals is mastery.

So yes, there is an order of operations that you will follow. This is important!

If you are coachable and open to getting stronger, yes. If you are outcome-based and require instant gratification and external motivation then no (unless you want my help overcoming this). If you are tired of getting injured when exercising, if you are not getting stronger, then the Strength Academy is for you! If you are ready to make changes, then changes will happen!

Join my Strength Academy to discover how to improve the muscles that are holding you back so that you can move better and get stronger (and more mobile), instead of always getting injured.

You have immediate access upon purchase. Please log into the website with your login credentials (username and password). This will bring you to the dashboard where you will see The Strength Academy Program. Click to access the program content. If you have any issues logging in, please email

If you’re hesitating to take this leap into something better, ask yourself why.

Are you ok with…

…being in the same, stagnant place 6 months from now?

…feeling tired, in pain, and worried about your declining health?

…dealing with urinary incontinence, back pain and/or limited range of motion?

…struggling through uninspiring workouts and negative self-talk?

Self-awareness is a powerful thing that puts everything in a sobering perspective.

You shouldn’t accept pain as something you have to live with. It’s not worth “sucking it up” to keep your ego intact, especially when there are non-invasive solutions for the problem.

Any discomfort you’ll feel while doing the corrective work is only temporary. The consequences of avoiding the corrective work, on
the other hand, can negatively impact your quality of life in the long run.

Although it is difficult to acknowledge and overcome deficiencies, doing so can result in dramatic and lasting life transformations. Aging
doesn’t stop, but with an effective strategy, you can keep getting better and better.

Don’t you deserve to…

…believe in yourself and become a challenge tackling machine?

…have an empowering training system that works?

…turn your biggest limitations into your greatest sources of power?

…feel beautiful and confident like all the people you compare yourself to?

…enjoy pain-free sex without it being ruined by a negative self-image?

…get a chance to feel what it’s like to be excited about life and the future?

…be the person you want to be instead of satisfying other people’s ideals?

…experience the thrill of taking bold chances without pleasing the whole world?

…live a complete life without regrets?


I've had low back pain for 8 years. Did 5 months of physiotherapy with little to no improvement. I’ve been doing Sara’s program for less than 2 weeks and I’ve experienced SIGNIFICANT improvement! So basically Sara’s program is cheaper and better than physical therapy!

Kelsey Riggs

My hip and knee pain completely disappeared! Oh, and I ran a mile nasal breathing and needed to pee the whole time but didn’t leak due to vaginal weightlifting! This has been life changing!

Ashley Martin

You have created something really beautiful with the Strength Academy, Sara. The exercise progression & mindset training is perfectly planned, and especially noteworthy is seeing members supporting each other in ways they’ve never had before. It’s beautiful what you have created. What a great way to use your gifts and reach of the internet.


I came to the Strength Academy with a weak core and multiple other imbalances. What I learned from Sara has forever changed my life. I rediscovered my athleticism and have become stronger and more mobile than I was in my 20s! More importantly, I’ve developed an understanding for movement that empowers me to identify and resolve pain and imbalances as they arise.

Tyler Martin

So thankful for you! I have been searching for support and answers for 10 years, but never found anything that got to the root of my pain. I love how you thoroughly explain everything. I’m happy to finally have some answers, know that I can meet my goals at 40 y.o, see results, feel pain relief and tap into newfound energy.

Megan Kahn

When I joined Sara’s Strength Academy, I wasn’t feeling very awesome. The effects of menopause were taking their toll. I was tired, overweight, depressed, had zero motivation. God forbid I sneeze without bracing myself: what pelvic floor strength I had was gone. This mom of 2 was ready to give up. But thanks to the Strength Academy, I weigh less, I’m taller by almost an inch, I’m doing things with my body I couldn’t do as a teenager (pull-ups, splits, Nauli Kriya) and I reversed the havoc menopause raged against me! I feel EPIC!

Kim Merritt

I have reduced my diastasis recti from 2 finger widths to 1 in less than a month. Seriously, I am SO pumped. Thank you for this awesome training

Christy Jordan

I finally found my TVA. The entire thing is like a band around the waist to the back. Pretty pleased with myself

Robert Tengler

Whether you have pain, you want to be insanely strong and/or mobile/flexible...this is hands down the best program. It changed my life. I thought I would live with low back pain forever before I found Sara's program.

Kelsey Riggs

Since the end of week 2, I’ve been able to find my lats. As a result, the nagging pain I’d often feel in my left shoulder, elbow and wrist is disappearing. This is so encouraging!

Monique Imair

I’m laying in bed with my back propped on some pillows and usually I have a noticeable anterior pelvic tilt (APT) that makes my back arch and I need to consciously correct it. Today? NO APT! I’m sitting in my bed and I can feel my core organizing me into the proper position. IT’S ONLY WEEK 1 FOLKS!


It’s been a little over a year since I joined the Strength Academy and I have had amazing strength gains, seen big changes in my physical appearance and tried skills I never thought I could ever do (ahem, handstands). Thank you Sara for the killer program! I can’t wait to see where I’ll be another year from now with consistent, small steps.

Laurel Draper

I did my 1st workout today - the breathing tutorials and stretching routine ... and man... I can feel a difference already! My psoas released! My butt pain has decreased already! Thank you Sara!


I know I keep saying how much I love your program but seriously, I LOVE THIS PROGRAM. I finally feel my TVA engage, and I can fire my lats in so many movements. I’m loving the sandbag work you’ve added to unit 8. I can’t wait to learn more!


Sara, your lat routine is amazing. After only 2 sessions, I am able to fire my lats better than ever before. This already translates to movement like overhead carries. That’s really cool!


Hardly feeling any back pain today and feet are also feeling awesome. Overall: so pleased with progress! Making very small increments but getting them right where it counts so I can feel I’m on the EZ path to success.


Guys... I just sneezed when I really really had to pee, and ... I didn’t pee. Like... not at all.


Ya’ll! I’ve gone from 5'4" to 5'4 + 1/8th”! This is absolutely astounding to me! I’m 50 years old and I don’t think I’ve ever been this “tall”.


I lost 1.5" from my waist and I’m 0.25" taller! OMG! I’m thinking I may be able to pull out the Valeria costume for Halloween again! Week 7: Let’s KILL it!

Kim Merritt

I sneezed and didn’t piddle my pants! I also have not had that urgency feeling since shortly after starting the Strength Academy. So no matter what, that’s worth it for me. I also noticed I am using my TVA more automatically now.


Wow! Sara, you know when we first met how much I struggled with stress incontinence. A sneeze or a laugh... jumping rope was out of the question without running to the bathroom! Now... I can do it all and I never worry about it! When I say that this program is life changing - I mean it! You are incredible!

Kim Merritt

Had my first vaginal orgasm, something I thought my body just wasn't capable of doing. I've seen so much change with my connection to my TVA: I'm able to do things I thought just weren't in the cards for my body.


No more incontinence. I did a jump rope tabata today, which meant I was going to suffer from urinary incontinence. But NO! It did not happen. Also tried jumping jacks and no urinary incontinence! I am beyond happy. I am thrilled!


I can “lift” a 2.2 lb plate with my pelvic floor muscles for 30s.


You are inspirational, Sara! I never knew there is a way to fix my leaks problem when running until you told me to do the vaginal exercises, and it fixed the problem in less than a week! Thank you for sharing your wisdom.


Your Strength Academy has been one of the most enjoyable things I have ever practiced in my life! I love your guidance. I feel very centered and stronger. I am liking your program so much! More than I thought I would. I like that I’m learning more about my body and mind. Yay for L-sits!

Liz Atris

When I did my workout today, I got the best feeling of control in my TVA. I did interval training after Sara’s training sequence today. WOW! What a difference! My knees didn’t hurt for the first time in forever. I’m starting Unit 2! I’m super happy to have started my journey here. Thank you Sara!

Becky Oler

I really LOVE your content. I was a ballet dancer for years and didn’t understand why I had difficulty with certain things until watching your explainer video on the TVA and relationship to anterior pelvic tilt. Like, whoa... was mindblowing. Wish I would have had this training back then, but it’s definitely helping now after 2 pregnancies. Hands down the best pelvic floor training I’ve ever had.


My week 6 homework: height & waist Well WOO-HOO. I saw improvements in both height and waist measurements! I lost 1" from my waist and grew 1/2" taller!


My lumbar spine has been sore after deadlifting for YEARS! Up until yesterday, I had given up, assuming that I was doing everything correctly and lumbar soreness is just a part of deadlifting. But yesterday I engaged my pelvic floor + TVA, and today: no soreness except in my glutes, hams & lats (typically reserved for my upper traps). I’m very happy and I feel like I’m moving forward!

Tyler Martin

I lost 2” from my waist by waking up my TVA! I made no dietary changes, so the 2” reduction is 100% from this program. In just 7 weeks, my view of my body has totally changed. I’m proud of what my body is doing because of my hard work.

Shaylyn Rypstra

I did the CrossFit L1 trainer course this weekend. The trainers kept complimenting me on my gorgeous squat and shoulder mobility! Little did they know that when I started with Sara, I couldn’t even reach behind my head. Guys! Trust Sara Solomon and the process. This stuff really WORKS!

Sandi Nibarger Bassett

I’m not bored! This is huge! I usually cannot make it past a month doing certain training programs because I become bored. But approaching the Strength Academy’s learning and practical components without a timeline has been totally game changing.

Shaylyn Rypstra

I have a lot less back and neck pain! I normally have to go to the chiro weekly for this. I’ve also found my lats as stabilizers. I was doing bench tricep dips today and used my lats! No more awful pec pain! Got me thinking… maybe there’s a sh*t ton more exercises I should doing this in.

Kelsey Riggs

I tested my scapular stability today and my ROM has more than doubled! I could only move about 3” before. I tried holding a chin-up and I was higher up at the top and was actually activating my lats! Instead of collapsing down, I slowly lowered all the way back down!


Behind this 5s of holding my 1st ever handstand is months of consistent & intentional work on my core & shoulders. From not being able to lock out my arms overhead … I’m doing effing handstands! Big thanks to Sara Solomon for being the guiding light throughout my self exploration. For leading by example and showing me that every little victory matters, no matter how small. Oh, and thank you for teaching me how to take control of my shoulder blades!


Everybody has a “why”. My goal is to become a strong Mother F*cker. I saw Sara online doing exactly that. I watched her for a long time and she confirmed what I already knew, what it takes to re-make oneself. Spoiler! It’s very simple: a willingness to be consistently vulnerable. I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn the foundational skills like she did. This program is a lot like a mirror. It shows the truth of now. It’s focused on core super-strength because that’s the foundation on which everything else is built. And that sh*t must be maintained!

Jennifer Marks

For a long time I allowed shame to de-rail my training practice. Frustration would snowball into deep self-loathing, I’d play the comparison game, and I'd quit. Sara’s mindset training helped transform my training practice into the highest form of self-care. I’m learning to prioritize play, curiosity & patience. Knowing the long journey that lies ahead, I’m reminding myself to take in the view. The view from the top is so worth the effort.

Jennifer Marks:

Meet Dr. Sara Solomon

Hello! I’m Sara. My personal battles with pain, stiffness, and injuries taught me invaluable lessons. Overcoming these challenges transformed me into a movement badass in my forties and ignited my passion for helping others break free from pain and regain their strength and mobility.

Having helped thousands of others achieve similar transformations, I’m here to guide you on your journey to a life free from pain, where you can move, live, and thrive without limitations!

Professional Credentials

  • B.Sc in Physical Therapy (McGill University)
  • DMD (McGill Faculty of Dentistry)
  • CES Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist
  • Certified Strongfit Coach
  • Pilates Mat Level 1 Instructor
  • Crossfit L1 Trainer (2016-2021)
  • Buddy Lee Jump Ropes Level 2 Instructor
  • NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist
  • Mad Dogg Spinning Instructor
  • ACE Personal Trainer
  • WBFF Pro Fitness Model