4 Exercises for Developing Superhuman Deep Core Strength and Stability

4 Exercises for Developing Superhuman Deep Core Strength & Stability


These exercises have helped me get really good at holding handstands

Bugs On a 36” Foam Roller: Hands up in the air like Frankenstein. Alternate marching. Don’t let your knees butterfly open. Don’t arch. Scale by putting hands on floor or ditching the foam roller. This applies the 3 rules of exercise. It shows you your problem, gives your feedback and fixes your problem.

Bird Dog Variation: Extend opposite straight arm and leg and then move the arm and leg out to the side and back in. 8 times per side.

L-Sit Prep with Yoga Blocks and Glide Disc: Put something narrow between your thighs to help you engage your hip adductors and pelvic floor. Push down hard into the yoga blocks and get your hips back as much as you can. Getting the hips back will engage your TVA. It will feel like pure hell if you’re doing it properly. Hold for 10s and maintaining nasal breathing. Don’t hold your breath.

Plank Hold Swiss Ball Squeeze: hands shoulder width apart, shoulders stacked over wrists, spread fingers. Get into a plank with your feet on the ball and then shimmy them down the ball and squeeze it consistently for 30s. Don’t hold your breath. Squeezing the ball between your legs will turn on your pelvic floor which turns on your TVA. Keep pelvis and rib cage stacked. Don’t scissor open.

