Welcome to the Online Members’ Section !

Thanks For Your Purchase!

To Log In, use the same email/username and password that you used to create your subscriber profile (your free account).

Important! Please Read

  • Save your login credentials.
  • Please log in at the top right corner of DrSaraSolomon.com with the same email/username and password that you used to create your subscriber profile (i.e. your free account). Then you can click on the dashboard on the upper right corner of the website to access your membership program(s).
  • Note: you can use the same username and password for all online membership purchases at DrSaraSolomon.com.
  • If you have any issues logging in or accessing the online members’ section, email us immediately at login@drsarasolomon.com, and you will receive a reply within 24 hours. (Just click the login support button at the top right of the website).

Need Support?
If you have any questions or problems, please email support@drsarasolomon.com


1. I cannot log in. What do I do?

You can be temporarily blocked from the system if you log in using multiple devices or browsers at the same time, if you log into one device/browser before logging out of another, or if you enter your username/password incorrectly 5 times. After 5 failed login attempts, your account will be temporarily disabled.
If you received a 503 error, this means that you have reached your IP limit. Please note IP restriction is a security measure. Hackers usually use automated programs to submit combinations of passwords. That's why the website saves the IP of every user and after a few failed logins, it will trigger the system to block the IP. This is a default response to nullify any possible hacking attempt.

If you still cannot log in or if you encounter errors not related to the above scenarios, please take a screenshot of the error page then email your concerns to login@drsarasolomon.com. Our support team will resolve the issue within 24 hours.

2. Is there a VIP TeamSS Facebook Group?

Yes! Anyone who purchases an online gym membership at JoinTeamSS.com will receive an invitation to join the VIP TeamSS Facebook group. Note that if your Facebook account has high privacy settings, it’s not possible for you to join the Facebook group. You will be invited with the email you provided to purchase the members’ section. If this is not the same email you use for your Facebook, then please email support@drsarasolomon.com with email address you use for your Facebook login.