6 Day Kickstart Signup

$77.00 USD + tax / One Time (for lifetime access, non-recurring, no trial)

You need to login to signup for the 6 Day Kickstart Program

If you are already a PREMIUM member please log in to your account and sign up for the 6 Day Kickstart program. After you sign up for the 6 Day Kickstart, you will be able to access it using the same username and password that you use for the members' section. Once you have paid, log in at the top right corner of the website. This will automatically take you to the dashboard, where you can click to access the 6 Day Kickstart.

If you are a new member please create a FREE account first so you can log in and then sign up for the 6 Day Kickstart program. Remember your username and password (because this is what you will use to log into the 6 Day Kickstart). Once you have paid, log in at the top right corner of the website. This will automatically take you to the dashboard, where you can click to access the 6 Day Kickstart.